Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

Acts of Collective Worship

At Drighlington Primary School we hold whole school assemblies every day; it is our opportunity to be together as a whole school family and embed our ethos of nurturing, supporting, believing and achieving. We start the week by introducing our theme of the week(these can be found below.) On Tuesday, as well as exploring the weekly theme through a story, we celebrate our attendance achievements, which include the class with the best attendance and most improved, celebration of all those classes reaching our school target of 97% and a random prize draw for 100% attenders - this is lead by our attendance lead - Miss Ainley. On Wednesday we have our Picture News assembly, led by our PSHE lead - Miss Christopher.  On Thursday we embed our messages and deepen our knowledge of music in singing assembly, led by our music leader Miss Hoole. On Friday we celebrate the amazing learning achievements of the week in our Star of the Week assembly, where we find out who from each class has really embodied one of our 3 Rs (Respect, Resilience and Reaching high) this week. 

The DfE states that assemblies should be broadly Christian in faith and as such we promote respect, responsibility, self-control, honesty, compassion, thankfulness, perseverance, humility, loyalty, all core Christian values. We are visited by representatives from our local churches each half term, where aspects of Christian faith and Christian values are explored with the children.

The following represents our planned assemblies for each half term. Our plans are flexible however, and sometimes change to address a whole school issue or an event of national/international importance.