Drighlington Primary School, Moorland Road, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1JY

0113 2853000

Drighlington Primary School

Nurturing, supporting, believing, achieving!

Before and After School Club

About Before and After School Club:            

Drighlington Primary School Before and After School Club includes...

Breakfast Club: 7.45am until 8.45am


 After School Club: 3.15pm until 5.30pm

The provision is based in the school Community Room, with access to an enclosed outside playground and school playing field.


At Before and After School Club we aim to provide a safe, secure and relaxed environment, offering a range of activities to reflect the interests of the children in our care. We want parents and carers to feel confident that their children are well looked after and that they believe our provision gives good value for money.

Pledge to Families                                      

We value our relationship with parents and carers and are committed to working in partnership with you to provide top quality play and care for your children. We will:

  • Welcome you at all times to discuss any concerns or have a general
  • Keep you informed of any changes to opening and closing times, fees and charges, and
  • Be consistent and reliable to enable you to plan with confidence and peace of
  • Share and discuss your childs experiences and
  • Be available to discuss any views you have about what we do well and what could be improved upon.
  • Listen to your views and concerns to ensure that we continue to meet you and your child’s

Fees and Payments                                                          

The fees we charge can be found on our registration forms. Fees are payable in advance by cash, cheque or childcare vouchers. Cheques should be made payable to Drighlington Primary School.

The price per session is payable for all booked sessions including when your child is sick or absent. You can elect to pay weekly, monthly or half termly and will be issued with receipts upon payment. Please ensure that fees are paid promptly at the beginning of your selected period.

Non-payment after a period of three weeks will result in a place being cancelled. If you are having difficulty paying fees, please speak in confidence to our Business Manager, Mrs McKenzie. We require two weeks notice of termination of the booking, or of changes in attendance. If you need to change the days your child attends, please contact the Team Leader. We try to accommodate such changes wherever possible. Please remember that we need to know if a child will not be attending the club for any reason. Even if a parent or carer has informed their childs teacher, we would appreciate a specific voicemail, text or email. 


Our Clubs are run by staff employed at Drighlington Primary School.

We aim to provide a smooth transition between classes and the clubs. Our staff have significant experience of working with children and undertake professional development training. All staff are DBS checked. We closely monitor the staff / child ratio and risk assess before increasing numbers when each new application is made. If you have any query or concern about ratios, please speak to a member of staff. We are always keen to resolve complaints but please note we will not tolerate aggressive interaction from parents and carers. The school’s safeguarding procedures are followed at all times (see separate policy on school website) and any concerns are reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

General Information                           

Children and staff have created rules for acceptable behaviour at our school. These rules apply to wrap around care too. These will be displayed in the room for everyone to see. We follow all school policies, including the behaviour system, to facilitate continuity (see policies on our school website). We promote an atmosphere of care, consideration and respect for everyone attending and this includes children, staff and visitors. We encourage appropriate behaviour through praise for; emphasis on co-operative play and sharing and talking to children with the courtesy that we expect from them.


Our club aims to be accessible to children and families and offer places where we feel it is safe to do based upon risk assessments of staff / child ratios. When places are not available children can be registered on a waiting list. We require a completed set of registration forms before a child can attend the club. This information is treated as confidential and will be stored appropriately. Please ensure you notify the School Office staff of any changes to your details. It is imperative to us that we work together to ensure our provision is the best that it can be. We appreciate feedback which will help us to improve our wrap around care. 

Arrivals and Departures                       

Parents and carers must take children to the Community Room entrance at the back of school and ring the bell to wait for assistance. Children can be collected from After School Club at the same place. We ask that school be informed if there is change of person picking up children from After School Club as staff will not release children to unknown adults.

For late collection there may well be a fee of £10.00. Early Years and KS1 children will be escorted to class from Breakfast Club, and from class to After School Club. KS2 children will go to and from the clubs independently, except in cases where there may be special concerns such as a child who has special educational needs.


Parents and carers are welcome to bring children to visit provision before their childs first day, to familiarize themselves with the setting and to help their child settle in.  During a childs first session, time will be set aside for an induction. This will include running through the rules and routines (including meal times and collection) and introducing children to the staff and other children.

Games and Activities                    

Our staff will plan a range of activities for children such as: -

  • Role play
  • Sensory activities
  • Baking
  • Arts and crafts

Activities may include some ICT but this will be monitored.


Children will have a choice of toast or cereal with a drink for breakfast and a snack and drink after school.

We promote independence by asking children to help each other and to help clear away. We meet individual dietary requirements wherever possible. We recognise the importance of good nutrition for children, delivered in a calm, friendly setting.

If your child is going to another activity such as Cubs or Brownies straight after being collected, they can bring, if necessary, a change into other clothes. They will be expected to change themselves.

Special Needs                                  

We make every effort to accommodate and welcome any child with special needs. We will work in liaison with parents or carers to fully understand your childs specific requirements. We will endeavour to accommodate all children of all abilities, whilst working within the clubslimitations. Each case will be considered individually and risk-assessed to ensure everyones safety.


We are unable to care for children who are unwell. If your child becomes unwell whilst in wrap around care, we will contact you and ask you to make arrangements for them to be collected. Please inform staff of any infectious illness your child contracts. If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhea please do not send him or her to school, and to wrap around care, until 48 hours after the last episode in line with the schools policy.

Accidents and First Aid                                                            

Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of the children at all times. Staff are trained in first aid and a first aid kit is kept in the setting. If your child has an accident whilst at the Club, you will be informed when you collect your child, or immediately if the staff consider the matter to be urgent.


Please let staff know if your child is taking prescribed medicine, including epi-pens or inhalers. As per school policy, medication will only be given when a school medical form has been completed by the parent or carer.


Our club provides a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination for the children in our community, including children with additional needs. We respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society. Each child is valued as an individual without prejudice based on race, gender or sexuality. We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices. We will not tolerate any form of bullying, including racial harassment.